


Bug #1419

lacking SNI support (Server Name Indication, RFC 6066)

Ajouté par Jean Christophe André il y a presque 12 ans. Mis à jour il y a plus de 9 ans.

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Version cible:
04 mai 2012
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With the, now current, lack of IPv4 addresses, it is more and more common to find situations where there is only one IP address for multiple secured websites, using NamedVirtualHost behind SSL/TLS with SNI extension.

The current Authentic 2 code is using M2Crypto for HTTPS requests, which doesn't set the SNI extension and doesn't seam to support it either. It could instead use pyCurl, which does support the SNI extension and set it by default (I've tested it successfully with Debian Squeeze).

This is especially annoying when we try to directly update one (or multiple) SP metadata from the Liberty Providers list in the admin interface (/admin/saml/libertyprovider/)...


Révisions associées

Révision 03bc2069 (diff)
Ajouté par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a presque 12 ans

[http_utils] prefer using pycurl instead of M2Crypto to retrieve HTTPs URLS as it supports server name indication

Thanks to Jean Christophe André for the feature request and the patch.

Fixes #1419



Mis à jour par Jean Christophe André il y a presque 12 ans

This bunch of code show how to add pycurl support and has been tested successfully against a SNI enabled Apache website.

Beware: it doesn't validate the SSL/TLS security! (it was not my goal here, it's only a proof of concept).

diff --git a/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2/ b/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2/
index 04ed0b0..84a87ac 100644
--- a/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2/
+++ b/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2/
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
+    import pycurl
+except ImportError:
+    pycurl = None
+import cStringIO
     import M2Crypto
 except ImportError:
     M2Crypto = None
@@ -22,8 +28,21 @@ def get_url(url):
        check the certificate'''

     if url.startswith('https'):
-        if not M2Crypto:
-            raise urllib2.URLError('https is unsupported without M2Crypto')
+        if not pycurl and not M2Crypto:
+            raise urllib2.URLError('https is unsupported without either pyCurl or M2Crypto')
+        if pycurl:
+            try:
+                buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
+                c = pycurl.Curl()
+                c.setopt(c.URL, str(url))
+                c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, buf.write)
+                c.perform()
+                r = buf.getvalue()
+                buf.close()
+                return r
+            except pycurl.error, e:
+                # Wrap error
+                raise urllib2.URLError('SSL access error %s' % e)
             return M2Crypto.m2urllib2.build_opener(get_ssl_context()).open(url).read()
         except M2Crypto.SSL.Checker.SSLVerificationError, e:

Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a presque 12 ans

  • Assigné à mis à Benjamin Dauvergne

I'm working on it.


Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a presque 12 ans

  • Statut changé de Nouveau à Solution déployée
  • % réalisé changé de 0 à 90

Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a presque 12 ans

  • Assigné à Benjamin Dauvergne supprimé

Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a plus de 9 ans

  • Statut changé de Solution déployée à Fermé

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