Bug #5736
Have a complete C example of SP as a C CGI script
Start date:
16 October 2014
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Patch proposed:
- it should emit AuthnRequest
- it should parse AuthnResposne using the C binding
- it should produce its own metadatas
- it should create session files using RFC822 syntax containing attributes
- it should handle local logout
It should be a kind of mod_mellon as a CGI script.
Updated by Benjamin Dauvergne over 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Benjamin Dauvergne to Mikaël Ates
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
Updated by Benjamin Dauvergne over 9 years ago
commit e54e7d3474c8b447830c91b2037eab1c42ef755d Author: Benjamin Dauvergne <bdauvergne@entrouvert.com> Date: Fri Oct 17 23:02:12 2014 +0200 Improve top level commint in CGI script example commit 3a7173ad3be58f6518eda5abb3a754012b2cb1b4 Author: Benjamin Dauvergne <bdauvergne@entrouvert.com> Date: Fri Oct 17 22:54:10 2014 +0200 Add simple example of a CGI service provider script written in C