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# Project Tracker Status Subject Assignee Due date
54983 Authentic 2 Support Fermé add URLs of the source files for all settings Actions
51035 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé affichage d'une page avant redirection SSO Actions
51277 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé doc: add instructions for developers to update translations Loïc Dachary Actions
51668 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé doc: document the release cycle Loïc Dachary Actions
54997 Authentic 2 Support Nouveau document ldap_auth_settings Actions
51239 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé ldap: add method to get ppolicy operational attributes Loïc Dachary Actions
51003 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé ldap: enable custom messages from backends when login fails Loïc Dachary Actions
51653 Authentic 2 Développement Nouveau ldap: fetching and using ppolicy attributes Actions
51274 Authentic 2 Bug Fermé ldap: fix misleading variable /timeBeforeExpiration/expiration_date/ Loïc Dachary Actions
50959 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé ldap: log controls on authenticate and enable ppolicy Benjamin Dauvergne Actions
51294 Authentic 2 Développement Nouveau ldap: move messages from hard coded to templates Loïc Dachary Actions
52183 Authentic 2 Développement Nouveau ldap: override password_change route with a URL in app_settings Benjamin Dauvergne Actions
51268 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé ldap: redirect to /password/change if password is about to expire Benjamin Dauvergne Actions
52190 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé ldap: use_controls defaults to False if python-ldap < 3.3.1 Benjamin Dauvergne Actions
51453 Authentic 2 Bug Nouveau ldap: user_attributes fails on multivalued attributes Loïc Dachary Actions
52638 Authentic 2 Développement Fermé ldap: user is not LDAPUser after a password reset Benjamin Dauvergne Actions
54996 Authentic 2 Support Nouveau simplify the database installation instructions Actions
55798 Authentic 2 Support Nouveau the page size of search is hard coded to 100 Actions
55797 Authentic 2 Support Nouveau unsetting group_filter Actions

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