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root / extra / modules / root.ptl @ 5374ecec

# Date Author Comment
5374ecec 07 September 2011 10:41 PM Frédéric Péters

add a "tracing" form to access submitted requests anonymously

78d76e15 01 August 2011 06:13 PM Thomas Noël

feed user in RootDirectory._q_traverse

sync with wcs :

069fda88 01 August 2011 05:49 PM Thomas Noël

hack when redirect form to category/form

dab68f9e 16 June 2011 02:43 PM Thomas Noël

[ezldap] big merge from "" project

0a3b6f01 27 May 2011 11:14 PM Benjamin Dauvergne (en congé)

REQUEST_URI does not exist when using the internal webserver

5f20613a 17 May 2011 04:20 PM Thomas Noël

redirected and advertised forms in consultations

refs #112

1eaca06e 17 May 2011 04:02 PM Thomas Noël

redirected and advertised forms in "services" box

bbc05f4f 04 May 2011 02:42 PM Frédéric Péters

First pass for a ez Publish / LDAP / Au quotidien integration

cfb41dcc 30 April 2011 09:42 PM Frédéric Péters

added possibility to pay several invoices at once

9f803542 05 January 2011 03:39 PM Frédéric Péters

In iframe mode also display welcome text on top of services page

08161821 05 January 2011 02:37 PM Frédéric Péters

Some relayouting of the myspace page, with a minimalistic table of contents

c1871abc 22 December 2010 11:41 AM Frédéric Péters

Add support for custom pages

9d071a47 16 September 2010 02:25 PM Frédéric Péters

always display box title

0e37c81a 13 August 2010 02:55 PM Frédéric Péters

Limit agenda to a link on homepage, remove tags & filter

974e8f3c 13 August 2010 02:48 PM Frédéric Péters

custom ident directory, to have enclosing <div>

c0ef273e 04 August 2010 09:37 AM Frédéric Péters

Differentiating tooltip on "access to all forms" links

28b7b336 03 August 2010 09:38 PM Frédéric Péters

Get keywords from desc.xml to decide if section titles are to be added

0c7d90c5 03 August 2010 03:53 PM Frédéric Péters

move myspace box up in right column, and always include it

4148233f 25 June 2010 02:23 PM Frédéric Péters

Fixed closing tag

6d9d9150 07 May 2010 03:23 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed homepage cat location check

818bc7c2 07 May 2010 03:16 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed attribute name for homepage position of categories

6eb2aab4 07 May 2010 10:40 AM Frédéric Péters

Make links without an URL act as titles

fc4cb69d 07 May 2010 08:12 AM Frédéric Péters

add control of the number of formdefs by category displayed on homepage

aeda4490 06 May 2010 10:43 PM Frédéric Péters

Add possibility to put services in different places of the homepage

ee8a8fd2 06 May 2010 01:50 PM Frédéric Péters

Add description of categories to homepage

4f714a98 14 December 2009 10:43 AM Frédéric Péters

Skip registered forms that have been removed

04000f05 04 October 2009 09:07 AM Frédéric Péters

Activate SMS settings page

8554d19e 30 September 2009 04:23 PM Frédéric Péters

Fix handling of invalid handling code

c6ebe114 24 July 2009 04:13 PM Frédéric Péters

possibility to filter agenda events

591b96d6 24 July 2009 03:09 PM Frédéric Péters

support for formdefs that do not have a category set

c465777a 23 June 2009 11:46 AM Frédéric Péters

do not display "back home" links when in iframe mode

a8fc192f 04 June 2009 07:06 PM Frédéric Péters

add missing / between category and formdef name when linking to drafts

1db74521 13 May 2009 07:08 PM Jérôme Schneider

Fix a translation error

  • extra/modules/root.ptl : fix msgid
  • po/auquotidien.pot : automatic update
  • po/fr.po : automatic update
85f94770 13 May 2009 03:56 PM Frédéric Péters

do not fail on missing formdef

4530a00a 13 May 2009 03:39 PM Frédéric Péters

do not fail on missing form definition

6bd8d84f 22 April 2009 05:21 PM Benjamin Dauvergne (en congé)

Lookup in wcs RootDirectory for static files

  • extra/modules/root.ptl:
    if first component of starts with css or images, transfer to old
807817db 22 April 2009 03:09 PM Jérôme Schneider

Fixed translation issue.

f0db9c17 20 April 2009 03:26 PM Jérôme Schneider

SMS confirmation code contains only digits

cff9cb99 20 April 2009 03:14 PM Benjamin Dauvergne (en congé)

Fix: Mobile mask can be None

  • extra/modules/root.ptl:
    if mobile_mask is none, default to the empty string.
71f60c01 20 April 2009 11:48 AM Benjamin Dauvergne (en congé)

Add an announce option panel with SMS fields

  • extra/module/admin.ptl:
    add an announce control panel that permit to activate the SMS alert
    support and to set a mask for acceptable phone numbers. * extra/modules/announces_ui.ptl:
    only allow SMS sending if SMS support is activated in the announce...
76dabe9a 17 April 2009 11:18 AM Jérôme Schneider

Add SMS support

  • extra/modules/ : fix python 2.5 compatibility * extra/modules/admin.ptl : move SMS options in WCS * extra/modules/ : add SMS support * extra/modules/announces_ui.ptl : add SMS support * extra/modules/root.ptl : add SMS subscription...
eb24b1dd 06 April 2009 10:08 AM Frédéric Péters

only include remote calendars in display under agenda/

f62325ef 06 April 2009 09:51 AM Frédéric Péters

possibility to filter on remote calendar

a11cfbfc 20 March 2009 04:34 PM Frédéric Péters

typo fix

42f50eae 20 March 2009 04:30 PM Frédéric Péters

don't fail on missing tags

d8a8676c 19 March 2009 06:16 PM Frédéric Péters

annonces are hidden, not disabled

8979a156 19 March 2009 06:10 PM Frédéric Péters

do not let disabled news item to be displayed

613ca2d5 19 March 2009 06:09 PM Frédéric Péters

added invididual news page

a84440b2 19 March 2009 06:03 PM Frédéric Péters

include trailing / in atom feed link

b5e52696 29 January 2009 11:41 AM Frédéric Péters

do not require lasso

587ad081 20 August 2008 05:47 PM Frédéric Péters

tags for events

9e6caf99 02 June 2008 10:32 AM Frédéric Péters

removed extra slash

b965bbbe 13 May 2008 04:36 PM Frédéric Péters

display message after unsub

8097b5e0 13 May 2008 04:34 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed unsubscription

00f76b53 09 May 2008 08:16 PM Frédéric Péters

use wysiwyg widget for setting home page

05303332 07 May 2008 01:29 PM Frédéric Péters

redirect with consideration to subdir

0009f81f 07 May 2008 01:25 PM Frédéric Péters

possibility to set text on homepage

a21e96d6 07 May 2008 01:25 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed autoredirect to idp for users accessing backoffice/admin when using subdirectories

816b457b 06 May 2008 05:56 PM Frédéric Péters

add breadcrumb on login, remove debugging statement

f311c7dc 06 May 2008 05:51 PM Frédéric Péters

removed debugging statements and fixed base url for forgotten password link

e5c0a39d 06 May 2008 02:38 PM Frédéric Péters

support for login page with both idp and password

42c14444 02 May 2008 01:16 PM Frédéric Péters

moved autocreation of identity

59b3ffe6 15 April 2008 05:28 PM Frédéric Péters

don't lose root on redirects

8097c060 11 April 2008 12:34 PM Frédéric Péters

avoid links to absolute root

cab0c005 11 April 2008 12:16 PM Frédéric Péters

don't ignore root directory when adding category to url

58135dc8 19 March 2008 10:29 AM Frédéric Péters

handle qo/ static directory

8ed05a37 21 January 2008 06:01 PM Frédéric Péters

force password when there is more than a ident method (really hard)

ffffccd8 21 January 2008 05:59 PM Frédéric Péters

force password when there is more than a ident method

93b7c686 21 January 2008 05:57 PM Frédéric Péters

use proper method to get logger

fde86923 18 January 2008 10:39 AM Frédéric Péters

import qommon

b6daa136 14 January 2008 05:25 PM Frédéric Péters

don't display authentication system choice

42df9640 30 December 2007 11:11 PM Frédéric Péters

automatically redirect homepage to /service in iframe mode

dc77e2e3 27 December 2007 09:22 PM Frédéric Péters

used after job support when sending emails with announce

07975eba 26 December 2007 05:06 PM Frédéric Péters

added link to agenda to the left sidebox

fa229320 26 December 2007 03:00 PM Frédéric Péters

some public pages for events

9d59704c 18 December 2007 09:53 PM Frédéric Péters

force service section type for /services url

0a8e1fe4 18 December 2007 09:07 PM Frédéric Péters

new announces/rawlist url, to get raw html

dd7508b5 17 December 2007 05:48 PM Frédéric Péters

added services/ url, listing services, to be used embedded

ab395ab7 21 October 2007 06:30 PM Frédéric Péters

workaround to link to formdefs that do not have categories

6122f5dc 03 October 2007 03:52 PM Frédéric Péters

added section to personal space on home page

7038bf81 12 September 2007 10:53 AM Frédéric Péters

sanitized usage of publication time for announces; announces in the future are
not displayed

e9792bb1 12 September 2007 09:12 AM Frédéric Péters

use email address (reply-to or from) as author for atom feeds

eac4c202 11 September 2007 11:41 AM Frédéric Péters

display formdefs restricted to a given role if user has that role

78631659 29 August 2007 03:55 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed home page test

b863d18f 29 August 2007 03:51 PM Frédéric Péters

redirect anonymous user to /myspace/new, and let them register there

0f477ab9 29 August 2007 03:24 PM Frédéric Péters

if configured as SP 'register' links to IdP

f6931e05 19 August 2007 02:11 PM Frédéric Péters

moved to use jquery

b0419532 03 July 2007 12:40 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed multiple roles forms, they were removed twice from displayable formdefs
when user was not allowed access

cc5eac8c 03 July 2007 11:13 AM Frédéric Péters

skip consultations box if there is not consultation category

7f8fbe7e 28 June 2007 10:15 AM Frédéric Péters

possibility to unsubscribe; links to backoffice and admin in the profile page

cd827b62 27 June 2007 06:35 PM Frédéric Péters

possibility to set publication time to announces (which will be displayed next
to title); and possibility to mark some as hidden (so they are not displayed)

0c8dfe4a 25 June 2007 12:47 PM Frédéric Péters

popup some forms

4ec9e188 21 June 2007 07:36 PM Frédéric Péters

fixed inexistent form case

a3f1a639 21 June 2007 07:34 PM Frédéric Péters

always specify category url_name in form urls, so that pages are styled
correctly; also rewrote q_traverse to redirect to full url if just a formdef
name is given.

69e8d81d 21 June 2007 11:24 AM Frédéric Péters

fixed redirection on login

dafd955b 21 June 2007 11:06 AM Frédéric Péters

replaced "access to all %d forms in this category" by a generic sentence,
translated, and given a custom '+' picture.

dfe32f4f 19 June 2007 05:15 PM Frédéric Péters

get all formdefs in one select() call

9c91e126 03 June 2007 10:50 PM Frédéric Péters

myspace page for users (to be worked on); override wcs User get_display_name
method to join first and last names from custom formdef.

ff235e28 03 June 2007 06:54 PM Frédéric Péters

improved styling for announces

a673a665 03 June 2007 06:37 PM Frédéric Péters

always include links in left column (unless it is filled by sth else);
use <h3> instead of <h2> in user-forms listing in categories