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root / extra @ 958b2b8f

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  modules 1.38 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
958b2b8f 13 October 2010 01:16 PM Frédéric Péters

Added custom Forms page, with additional options for form admin

6b5f9a36 13 October 2010 11:47 AM Frédéric Péters

Possibility to set an admin for forms, and hide unavailable items

642678eb 16 September 2010 02:28 PM Frédéric Péters

drupal pane for admin

da7808fc 16 September 2010 02:28 PM Frédéric Péters

first draft of a drupal module

9d071a47 16 September 2010 02:25 PM Frédéric Péters

always display box title

008d1263 14 August 2010 09:27 PM Frédéric Péters

List both events and remote calendars on events page, in columns

cb9bf7ed 14 August 2010 09:26 PM Frédéric Péters

Remove colon in list item label

2b13b2bb 14 August 2010 10:13 AM Frédéric Péters

Create "Forms in your care" using new get_ids_with_indexed_value method

ee316ad8 13 August 2010 06:38 PM Frédéric Péters

Do not display forms for which there's no pending forms

05a04465 13 August 2010 03:52 PM Frédéric Péters

Initial dashboard on backoffice

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