agenda: activity summary table fits page's width
Closes #2735
agenda: fixing condition of displaying the other services appointments summary
Closes #5023
agenda: fixing identifiers for hidden workers in schedule page
Closes #5345
agenda: don't show validation details on ressource tab appointments, as in other tabs (#fixes #5284).
dossiers: modify no place of life warning message.
ressources: add group field column to the ActType list.
ressources: modify verbose name of group field of the ActType Model.
dossier: cosmetic changes to quotation page. change version
dossiers: don't load a warning when we changed policyholder
fix spelling in error message
actes: call super() with proper args in UpdateActView class
agenda: fixing the event type in the appointments listings
dossiers: alert raised when comment unsaved in "Adresses/contacts" tab
Closes #2740
agenda: empty page removed while printing schedules with not first selected
Closes #5316
dossiers: display notification on patient record contacts and addresses update
Closes #4807
agenda: fixes bottom print button on therapists agendas
Closes #5299
ressources: add missing files for commands
dossiers: remove block not matching date filter criteria
Closes #3109
dossiers: printing the whole patient record in pdf format
agenda: show date on each page of activity and split table correctly
Fixes #2359
ressources: don't display display name for School form
agenda: presences table title update
agenda: presence list print and screen styles update
ressources: fixing add and upate a place of socilisation
Closes #5298
ressources: use update template for school for an update ...
Fixes #5297
dossiers: add doctors, datetime and act type in waiting_queue
Closes #5221
calebasse.dossiers.js: put a warning if an error occured
dossiers: template for printing quotations added
spin animation picked from FontAwesome style, which is removed
agenda: when adding events of type COURRIEL or TELEPHONE the start time andduration are taken in account and default to 8h and 10 minutes if not defined
Closes #5015
agenda: ressource appointment view redesigned to look like worker's
Closes #5284
dossiers: notification displayed when updates done on patient addresses/contacts
dossiers: expendable elements selector update
calebasse/dossiers/ fix a success_url for paper_id form
static/js/calebasse.dialog.js: fixing calebasse_ajax_form
Closes #5285
fixes a toggle bug specific to Firefox
patient record id grayed on all pages in order to avoid confusion
Closes #3120
statistics: fix the stats form url
ressources: new command reinit_schools_from_xls which reset schools
Usage example :python reinit_schools_from_xls /home/jschneider/apps/calebasse/xls
WARNING: this script delete all schools
dossiers: render pause facturation comment expandable
Closes #5010
dossiers: show an alert when closing without saving
display age next to birthdate in dossier main page (#3429)
Filter the formatted date with |lower to avoid uppercase in months (#4805)
agenda: multiple GET requests on editing periodic events fix
Closes #5230
agenda: arrivals dans departures displayed before appointments
Closes #5235
dossiers: printing each patient record tab with filtering past and future appointments by dates
ressources: add zip code and city into school dispaly name
agenda : hide the delete button on periodic event dialog when an act is already billed.
agenda: reccurrence periodicity can not be modified on an event with already billed acts.
agenda : Add warning message and prevent hazardous modifications.
Add message on the periodic event dialog to warn when acts are already billed.
Prevent periodic event field edition when an act is already billed excepted the fields start and end date, description and ressource....
agenda: event delete view just call Model delete.
agenda: various modification on periodicity management and heper functions and properties
Add date, time and duration to Event model.
Add acts property returning a queryset of the acts associated to the periodic Event and associated to its exceptions....
agenda: hidden occurrence delete icon when the associated act is already billed.
agenda: check in reccurrent event form that reccurrency bound dates won't exclude already_billed acts.
agenda: add already_billed attribute to appointment.
actes: complete the setting of already billed field in the data migration.
agenda: act comment does not exist anymore.
actes: define rebilling Act model property.
actes: set already_billed field at Act model saving.
actes: add data migration to populate already_billed field of Act model.
actes: add already_billed field to Act model.
actes: act saving does not care about event and event canceling, if necessary check elsewhere.
actes: add comment property to Act model based on parent event description field.
actes: remove comment field from Act model.
agenda: the comment displayed through an appointment is the event one.
agenda: comment update in ajax, we update comment on event and not on act
actes: an act comment can only be updated from an event update.
actes: 'valide' act field must not be edited, replace 'Validés' by 'Présents' (fixes #3413).
dossiers: quotations view improvements
dossiers: print all quotations
font-awesome styles added for icons effects
Closes #5012
icon definitions moved to common stylesheet
agenda: highlight last saved updated act
Closes #3148
dossiers: quotations table refactored
Closes #5013
dossiers: display anap quotations and filter by them
Closes #5011
dossiers: merge administrative forms into one form
Closes #2739
dossiers: use service slug instead of name
facturation: use new PKI from
ressources: filter place of life by services type
Closes #4146
ressources: add services management for schools
Closes #4144
agenda: on acts validation highlight block of changed act state
Awesome font updated
agenda: displaying car icon in schedules when patient uses transport to reach the appointment
Closes #2120
add a "next appointment" column in waiting list view (#3238)
personnes: fixing the group holidays with empty services list
Closes #4171
do not display "n° de dossier informatique" (#3120)
agenda: display the services list or "Tous" for group holidays instead of check icon
agenda: display the arrivals and departure for other services
Closes #2532
logging: handling cases when objects created, modified or deleted from shell
agenda: display a summary of service activity
agenda: do not show events and schedules from other services, displaynotification instead
logging actions on models improved using post_save and pre_delete signals
ressources: test db.dry_run on migration 0009
Refs. #5014
setup: fixing get_version and cleanning install_requires
agenda: allow empty time and duration for events of type "TELEPHONE" and "COURRIEL"
logging actions on models with django_journal
Closes #1988
useless models registering removed, because already registered by Django's admin
facturation: count number of acts in batches using the invoice field prevented from act deletion.
ressoucres: use only unicode for School display name
agenda: print only checked therapeutes agenda
Fixes #5127