


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

calebasse / calebasse / agenda / templates / agenda @ 92d6fb7e

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
act-validation.html 4.13 KB 90e0b55f almost 12 years Jérôme Schneider agenda: fix billable in act validation fix #2442
agendas-therapeutes.html 4.63 KB 34467a71 almost 12 years Jérôme Schneider agenda: hack to fix page break on FF #2373
ajax-worker-disponibility-column.html 388 Bytes b60abafc almost 12 years Frédéric Péters agenda: add worker initials at the top of dispo...
ajax-worker-tab.html 6.74 KB 4952abd0 almost 12 years Jérôme Schneider dossiers agenda: show confidential icon (fix #2...
appointment.html 2.99 KB 71216ebb almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add explanation about event exceptions ...
automated-validation.html 1.24 KB 08bf3477 almost 12 years Mikaël Ates actes: add two new validation states.
base.html 596 Bytes 19eda2d2 almost 12 years Jérôme Schneider agenda: correct json encoding for description u...
days-not-locked.html 514 Bytes ba9e01fa about 12 years Mikaël Ates Fix typo.
event.html 2.89 KB 71216ebb almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add explanation about event exceptions ...
index.html 4.79 KB 6033f07b almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne templates: add a today link to the datesel temp...
new-appointment.html 168 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
new-event.html 162 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
periodic-events.html 4.87 KB 92d6fb7e almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: change caption for events on periodic e...
periodicity.html 682 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
ressources.html 8.18 KB e242e850 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add a delete button to periodic event d...
service-activity.html 1.64 KB 4a9a4001 almost 12 years Mikaël Ates agenda: reduce size for printing.
update-event.html 120 Bytes 9c1d4044 about 12 years Jérôme Schneider Fix #1877 agenda: add event edition
update-rdv.html 126 Bytes 9c1d4044 about 12 years Jérôme Schneider Fix #1877 agenda: add event edition

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
92d6fb7e 06 March 2013 02:38 PM Benjamin Dauvergne

agenda: change caption for events on periodic events listing page

4952abd0 04 March 2013 07:31 PM Jérôme Schneider

dossiers agenda: show confidential icon (fix #2149)

ee2be5e8 22 February 2013 11:28 AM Benjamin Dauvergne

agenda: use same presentation for periodic events search form thant for dossiers search form, refs #2124

cd5d3611 22 February 2013 11:28 AM Benjamin Dauvergne

agenda: change captions in periodic events search form, refs #2124

e3ca6d54 21 February 2013 05:32 PM Benjamin Dauvergne

agenda: in periodic events search form use same cross button thant in dossiers to reset form content, refs #2124

6afd600b 21 February 2013 04:50 PM Benjamin Dauvergne

agenda: add a participant search field to the periodic event search form, refs #2124

e9964395 21 February 2013 03:05 PM Benjamin Dauvergne

agenda: move inline style in periodic-events.html into style.css

19eda2d2 14 February 2013 04:40 PM Jérôme Schneider

agenda: correct json encoding for description update (fix #2510)

17861d43 07 February 2013 05:59 PM Jérôme Schneider

agenda: eventwithact delete associate act if act is not billed

6033f07b 31 January 2013 11:46 AM Benjamin Dauvergne

templates: add a today link to the datesel template, fixes #2445

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