.. You should enable this project on travis-ci.org and coveralls.io to make these badges work. The necessary Travis and Coverage config files have been generated for you. .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/https://dev.entrouvert.org/projects/ckan//ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/https://dev.entrouvert.org/projects/ckan//ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/https://dev.entrouvert.org/projects/ckan//ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/badge.png?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/r/https://dev.entrouvert.org/projects/ckan//ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc?branch=master .. image:: https://pypip.in/download/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/badge.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi//ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/ :alt: Downloads .. image:: https://pypip.in/version/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/badge.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/ :alt: Latest Version .. image:: https://pypip.in/py_versions/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/badge.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/ :alt: Supported Python versions .. image:: https://pypip.in/status/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/badge.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/ :alt: Development Status .. image:: https://pypip.in/license/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/badge.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc/ :alt: License ============= ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc ============= .. Put a description of your extension here: What does it do? What features does it have? Consider including some screenshots or embedding a video! ------------ Requirements ------------ For example, you might want to mention here which versions of CKAN this extension works with. ------------ Installation ------------ .. Add any additional install steps to the list below. For example installing any non-Python dependencies or adding any required config settings. To install ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc: 1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:: . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate 2. Install the ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc Python package into your virtual environment:: pip install ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc 3. Add ``ozwillo_pyoidc`` to the ``ckan.plugins`` setting in your CKAN config file (by default the config file is located at ``/etc/ckan/default/production.ini``). 4. Restart CKAN. For example if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:: sudo service apache2 reload --------------- Config Settings --------------- Document any optional config settings here. For example:: # The minimum number of hours to wait before re-checking a resource # (optional, default: 24). ckanext.ozwillo_pyoidc.some_setting = some_default_value ------------------------ Development Installation ------------------------ To install ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:: git clone https://github.com/https://dev.entrouvert.org/projects/ckan//ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc.git cd ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc python setup.py develop pip install -r dev-requirements.txt ----------------- Running the Tests ----------------- To run the tests, do:: nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini To run the tests and produce a coverage report, first make sure you have coverage installed in your virtualenv (``pip install coverage``) then run:: nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.ozwillo_pyoidc --cover-inclusive --cover-erase --cover-tests --------------------------------- Registering ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc on PyPI --------------------------------- ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc should be availabe on PyPI as https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc. If that link doesn't work, then you can register the project on PyPI for the first time by following these steps: 1. Create a source distribution of the project:: python setup.py sdist 2. Register the project:: python setup.py register 3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI:: python setup.py sdist upload 4. Tag the first release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the ``setup.py`` file. For example if the version number in ``setup.py`` is 0.0.1 then do:: git tag 0.0.1 git push --tags ---------------------------------------- Releasing a New Version of ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc ---------------------------------------- ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc is availabe on PyPI as https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-ozwillo-pyoidc. To publish a new version to PyPI follow these steps: 1. Update the version number in the ``setup.py`` file. See `PEP 440 `_ for how to choose version numbers. 2. Create a source distribution of the new version:: python setup.py sdist 3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI:: python setup.py sdist upload 4. Tag the new release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the ``setup.py`` file. For example if the version number in ``setup.py`` is 0.0.2 then do:: git tag 0.0.2 git push --tags