


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

root / corbo / templates @ b327aaef

# Date Author Comment
b327aaef 12 July 2016 06:40 PM Serghei Mihai

breadcrumb and title fix on management page (#12540)

d17392b7 12 July 2016 04:37 PM Serghei Mihai

don't show identifier's scheme on unsubscription page (#12544)

78525479 12 July 2016 01:50 PM Frédéric Péters

trivial: spelling fix

83bedd6f 12 July 2016 10:06 AM Serghei Mihai

use datetime picker for announce publish and expiration dates

78775031 12 July 2016 10:06 AM Serghei Mihai

authentication views fix

6a3e75ef 12 July 2016 10:06 AM Serghei Mihai

unsubscribe link (#10795)

f38ae358 19 March 2016 10:23 AM Frédéric Péters

general: update dialogs to match style guide

59404bbf 27 January 2015 10:27 PM Serghei Mihai

calendar icon displayed next to date fields

e4729afc 27 January 2015 09:44 PM Serghei Mihai

announce publication and expiration dates displayed in form

92f0a459 27 January 2015 02:43 PM Serghei Mihai

publication time displayed only if announces is published

b94039e0 27 January 2015 01:12 AM Serghei Mihai

objects management forms and templates reviewed

98bf28f8 19 January 2015 09:51 AM Serghei Mihai

modification time displayed in announces list

cc12ccfe 15 January 2015 11:03 AM Serghei Mihai

gadjo theme used for templates
Category and announces management views and urls updated

13492ce1 14 January 2015 03:11 PM Serghei Mihai

announce filtering by category

7608476c 13 January 2015 06:45 PM Serghei Mihai

UI improvements

e0d858ba 13 January 2015 05:14 PM Serghei Mihai

initial commit with models schema and basic GUI