add locales
Update manifest
announce content is rich text field
compat: django1.8 modelForm
add missing migration
general: update dialogs to match style guide
trivial: declare fields attribute for announce form (django 1.8 compat)
SMS length set to 160 chars
Closes #6369
announces number per page set to 20
Closes #6372
feed item's publishing date computing fix
Closes #6374
announce content length check if sms channel prefered
announce broadcasting channels added
calendar icon displayed next to date fields
announce publication and expiration dates displayed in form
publication time displayed only if announces is published
objects views updated
objects management forms and templates reviewed
Forms file added
modification time displayed in announces list
initial localisation files
Rss view renamed to Atom. Url updated
gadjo theme used for templatesCategory and announces management views and urls updated
announce object status methods refactored
unused view deleted
announce filtering by category
RichTextField used to edit announce content
handling authentication through django-mellon
category managing urls added
UI improvements
announce status computing methods
initial commit with models schema and basic GUI