
MandayeJS is an Authentication Reverse Proxy. Its purpose is to add s to add external
authentication systems to legacy application, i.e. SSO.


$ tar xzvf phantomjs.tar.gz
$ sudo mv phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64 /opt/phantomjs/
$ sudo apt install python-mandayejs mandayejs

vim /etc/mandayejs/

PHANTOM_JS_BINARY = '/opt/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs'

How does it work


AppSettings are simple classes defined in mandayejs/ and represent the configuration of the legacy application for which MandayeJS will be the reverse proxy.
These classes have some mandatory attributes :


class Example(AppSettings):
        # url of the login form
        SITE_LOGIN_PATH = '/' 

        # SITE_LOCATORS describe login form fiels
        # they're used to generate the association form
        SITE_LOCATORS = [ 
                'id': '#username',
                'label': 'Username',
                'name': 'username', # always same as id
                'kind': 'string',
                'required': True,
                'help': '',
                'id': '#birth_date',
                'label': 'Birth date',
                'name': 'birth_date', # always same as id
                'kind': 'date',
                'required': True,
                'help': 'exemple 16/06/2008'
                'id': '#password',
                'label': 'Password',
                'name': 'password', # always same as id
                'kind': 'password',
                'required': True,
                'help': ''

        # List of javascript scripts running on every pages.
        # they're loaded in panel.html
        SITE_APP_SCRIPTS = [

        # JS Script asserting authentication through phantomjs
        # The authentication assertion function must be into
        # a var such as :
        # $(function(){
        #   window.auth_success = function(){
        #       // your code
        #   }
        # });
        SITE_AUTH_CHECKER = 'myapp/js/auth.checker.js'

        # List of cookies to delete when dissociating an account

        # URL on which the authentication is forced
        # if user is connected and already associated
        SITE_FORCE_REDIRECT_URL = '/login.php'

        # LOCATOR on which the authentication is forced
        # if user is connected and already associated
        SITE_FORCE_REDIRECT_LOCATOR = '#logon-form'

        # Locator used to catch the local application
        # logout process in order to launch a SLO
        SITE_LOGOUT_LOCATOR = '#account_logout'

        # Application's webservices 
            'products': '/products/id',

        # If your class inherits from another and
        # a SITE_LOGIN_PATH need to be set
        SITE_LOGIN_PATH_PREFIX = '/wonderland/'

Django Settings

SITE_APP = 'mandayejs.applications.Example'


It's possible to associate/dissociate an account through the MandayeJS API. 3 methods are available :

* GET /_mandaye/api/ : # Returns SITE_LOCATORS 
    response :
        status_code : 200
        data :
                "login": "",
                "password": "" 

* POST /_mandaye/api : # Associates an user, create a new user when it doesn't exist
    data : {
        "name_id_content": "12345",
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "kevin",
        "last_name": "fake",
        "locators": {
            "login": "fake",
            "password": "fake" 

    response :
        status_code :
            - success : 200
            - failure : 401/403

* DELETE /_mandaye/api : # Dissociate an user account 
    data : {
        "name_id_content": "12345" 
    response :
        status_code :
            - success : 200
            - failure : 403/404

Users Migration

1. Export users authentication data from database and ldap

COPY (SELECT idp.unique_id, sp.post_values FROM idp_user AS idp, sp_user AS sp WHERE sp.idp_user_id = TO 'credentials.csv' DELIMITER ';';
$ sudo slapcat -a '(spName=<service_provider_name>)'  -l <dest_filename>

2. Convert name_id into uuid

import csv
from authentic2.saml.models import LibertyFederation

def csv_get_dict_data(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
        fieldnames = ['username', 'credentials']
        reader = csv.DictReader(fd, delimiter=';', quotechar='|', fieldnames=fieldnames)
        return list(reader)
    return False

def csv_write_dict_data(data, filename):
   with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
      writer = csv.DictWriter(fd, data[0].keys())

data = csv_get_dict_data('credentials.csv')

def name_id_2_uuid(data):
  result = []
  for datum in data:
       federation = LibertyFederation.objects.get(name_id_content=datum['username'])
       user_uuid = federation.user.uuid
       result.append({'username': user_uuid, 'credentials': datum['credentials']})
    except (LibertyFederation.DoesNotExist,) as e:

  return result

csv_write_dict_data(name_id_2_uuid(data), 'credentials.csv')

3. Import users

$ mandayejs-manage migrate-user --csv credentials.csv

Static Files