



Du 14 août 2014 au 12 septembre 2014

12 septembre 2014

12:02 Révision b7f756de: Add tests on multitenants features (fixes #5106)
Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision fbed23e8: Add command list_tenants (fixes #5044)
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision 5c1d1ad6: Add command get_tenant_by_domain
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision 3afe385b: Add command to create missing tenant schemas
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision ccec1ff4: Import django-tenant-schemas commands to adapt them to our way of managing tenants
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision e8304bf1: Make tenant model non savable
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision 4cea64a7: Remove create-tenant command
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision aae80ef0: New TenantMiddleware which try to find tenants based on the filesystem
If path <settings.TENANT_BASE>/<hostname>/schema exists, read this file an build
tenant modle with Tenant(domain_url=...
Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision ec0613c1: Add middleware to load settings from a JSON file based on the tenant
* Loaded settings are cached based on the mtime of the setting file
* JSON file path is <settings.TENANT_BASE>/<schem...
Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision 392340cf: In FileSystemLoader use the schema name instead of the domain name for building template path
Also add a templates/ suffix.
refs #5106
Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision 73b85f5d: In FileSystemLoader rename settings from MULTITENANT_TEMPLATE_DIRS to TENANT_TEMPLATE_DIRS to unformize with other settings
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne
12:02 Révision e4332b43: Remove dead import on tenant_schemas.utils
refs #5106 Benjamin Dauvergne

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