user credentials and edit views(#7065)
users creation form(#7065)
users listing using django_tables
mixing providing organization into context and resolving manage page url
local login form
base template for organizations app
base template cleanup
organization management urls separated
local accounts add and edit forms
local account manageable from admin
replace TemporaryAccount model by LocalAccount
doc publish uri fix
documentation sources
login templates names spelling fix (#6828)
metadata filename is unicode
fail login if ldap not available (#6827)
organizations displayed in admin
slug regex fix
use slugify function from django (#6826)
fix footer to mention u-auth, not "portail admin" (#6825)
adapter returning entity matching idp
IdPs list stored in metadatas dir
slugify dependency replaced by local function
MANIFEST included in package data
initial migration for organization app
MANIFEST typo fix
templates and statics included in MANIFEST
version 0.0.2
version 0.0.1
idps dump fix
mellon config
statics conf update
custom styles draft
custom mellon adapter
basic templates and forms
utils refactored
"customer" app renamed to "organization"
federations sync command
local settings taken in account
user schemas update
gadjo dependency
initial commit