


Bug #9867

Error with the persistent nameID when the nameID format is not given in the authnRequest

Ajouté par Mikaël Ates il y a environ 8 ans. Mis à jour il y a environ 8 ans.

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Version cible:
03 février 2016
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The SP sends an authnRequest with a NameIDPolicy with no Format attribute.
The IdP has a saml options policy for this SP that defines persistent as the default nameID format.

First SSO

When the assertion is built but before fill_assertion():

<saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient" NameQualifier="http://idp.cud.mik.lan:8000/idp/saml2/metadata">_D4C8D87769C774DCDEF6912A0671E1C1</saml:NameID>

After fill_assertion()

<saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent" NameQualifier="http://idp.cud.mik.lan:8000/idp/saml2/metadata">_D4C8D87769C774DCDEF6912A0671E1C1</saml:NameID>

nid_format is well set as persistent and a federation is created.

Next SSO

The identity dump is built with the correct nameID value :

<Identity xmlns="" Version="2">
<lasso:Federation xmlns:lasso="" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" RemoteProviderID="http://sp.cud.mik.lan:8001/accounts/mellon/metadata/" FederationDumpVersion="2">
        <saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent" NameQualifier="http://idp.cud.mik.lan:8000/idp/saml2/metadata">_D4C8D87769C774DCDEF6912A0671E1C1</saml:NameID>

When the assertion is built but before fill_assertion():

<saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient" NameQualifier="http://idp.cud.mik.lan:8000/idp/saml2/metadata">_86897188ED4371C2F35F055FFC0E6837</saml:NameID>

After fill_assertion():

<saml:Subject><saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent" NameQualifier="http://idp.cud.mik.lan:8000/idp/saml2/metadata">_86897188ED4371C2F35F055FFC0E6837</saml:NameID>

It seems that the setIdentityFromDump() does not load the dump correctly since a new nameID value is generated.

The get_or_create() then creates a new federation and at the next SSO Authentic raise 'get() returned more than one LibertyFederation -- it returned 2!'




Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a environ 8 ans

The bug is because lasso does not know that persistend is required is here so it uses the transient way of creating the NameID event if at the end of fill_assertion() the NameID format is forced to be persistent. I think a fix would be to set the NameID format in the request before the call to login.buildAssertion() so that Lasso will know which format is expected.


Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a environ 8 ans

NameIDPolicy is not mandatory in an AuthnRequest so name_id_policy could be None.


Mis à jour par Mikaël Ates il y a environ 8 ans

Yes I've seen it in the spec. But if it is not set lasso does not kwow how to handle, it is why I set it in the request, it is what I understood from you comment. What did I miss ?


Mis à jour par Mikaël Ates il y a environ 8 ans

And we still respect the spec since we accept that the SP does not specify it.

If omitted, then any type of identifier supported by the identity provider for the requested subject can be used,
constrained by any relevant deployment-specific policies, with respect to privacy, for example.

In that case it will be transient if nothing is defined in the options policy.


Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a environ 8 ans

I'm just stating that if name_id_policy is None, you should create it before altering the format:

if not name_id_policy:
    name_id_policy = login.nameIdPolicy = lasso.Samlp2NameeIDPolicy()


Mis à jour par Benjamin Dauvergne il y a environ 8 ans



Mis à jour par Mikaël Ates il y a environ 8 ans

  • Statut changé de Nouveau à Fermé

commit da2c005d33894df8dae078b54c742d52a546eb4d

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