


Bug #5658

Mis à jour par Thomas Noël il y a plus de 9 ans

* Listing views and edit views should be accessible if any of change, add or delete is available, a new decorator should be used with the signature
@any_permission_required(model_name, raise_exception=False)@.
* Edit views should return Http403 on POST if change permission is unavailable, and not on any access
* Buttons to delete should be disabled if delete is unavailable, a tooltip must be added stating the permission is missing from the user, a tooltip must be added stating the permission is missing from the user
* Buttons to add should be disabled if add is unavailable, a tooltip must be added stating the permission is missing from the user
* Edit form on user and roles should be disabled if change permission on roles or users is not available and a message should be displayed
* Add user to role form should be disabled if change permission on roles is unavailable
