



Du 02 mai 2012 au 31 mai 2012

31 mai 2012

15:34 Révision df09630b: payments: fix the URL for asynchronous notification in the backoffice interface
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision d93ff23d: payments: format debugging comment in HTML content
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision b99fb0fa: in case a transaction has already been confirmed, ignore the message
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision f5d85f28: payments: do not break invoice display if formdef or formdata does not exist anymore
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision d0cbe280: payments: add an InvoiceEvolutionPart to a formdata when a linked invoice is paid
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision 47698115: payments: add an InvoiceEvolutionPart to formdata evolution when trying to pay a linked invoice
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision 56756adc: payments: permit attaching transaction to InvoiceEvolutionPart when necessary
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision c49d071f: payments: show the notification URL in the regie admin
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision 8a9451d7: payments: show invoice and transactions contents in a HTML comment for debugging
Benjamin Dauvergne
15:34 Révision 8e962629: payments: adapt to new eopayment backend's description format
Benjamin Dauvergne

29 mai 2012

14:10 Révision 5ddef68c: clicrdv: include weekday name
Frédéric Péters
14:02 Révision 0dec7de8: clicrdv: force date start/end, to get everything, not an arbitrary subset
Frédéric Péters
12:34 Révision 0596e93f: clicrdv: make sure to encode unicode strings
Frédéric Péters
11:14 Révision 5187392d: use native json module if available
Frédéric Péters
11:01 Révision 789c7482: remove import for N_ and _
Benjamin Dauvergne
10:06 Révision 8767dd7d: add option to select clicrdv server (production vs sandbox)
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision d43e214d: add email to clicrdv "fiche"
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision c066cb55: mark clicrdv workflow items as unavailable if disabled in site options
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision 2181e494: present appointment as a vevent
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision cd63fddf: add workflow action to cancel a clicrdv appointment
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision 1a0caa2b: add possibility of being redirected on clicrdv success/failure
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision d1f454a3: add TODO item for future view
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision c3801734: completed the 'create clicrdv appointment' workflow item
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision a17a71fb: clicrdv appointment creation workflow item (not complete yet)
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision 5ff5e0b6: add clicrdv methods
Frédéric Péters
10:06 Révision a4e97699: add interface to set clicrdv api key
Frédéric Péters

25 mai 2012

12:05 Révision fc8e3469: [payments] cleaning in
Benjamin Dauvergne

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