



Du 01 août 2014 au 30 août 2014

29 août 2014

17:29 Révision 63bc684f (calebasse): agenda: template fix for displaying appointments summary
Closes #5023 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
17:29 Révision e3482db9 (calebasse): agenda: graying the arrival and departure only for other services
Closes #2532 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
17:29 Révision 3c1f0b4a (calebasse): facturation: gray act ids on invoicing page
Closes #3120 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
15:39 Révision 5f22f9b9 (calebasse): scripts/ log in /var/log/calebasse instead of ./
Jérôme Schneider
14:32 Révision 1ccf354b (calebasse): facturation: days not locked open in a new tab (fixes #3432).
Mikaël Ates
10:24 Révision 63076556 (calebasse): agenda: mark worker's arrival and departure times in other services
Closes #2532 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
10:24 Révision adfb9ea4 (calebasse): agenda: activity summary table fits page's width
Closes #2735 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
10:24 Révision afec7520 (calebasse): agenda: fixing condition of displaying the other services appointments summary
Closes #5023 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
09:57 Révision 552cb32b (calebasse): scripts: script to control database functional integrity.
Mikaël Ates

28 août 2014

21:48 Révision d5629b36 (calebasse): agenda: fixing identifiers for hidden workers in schedule page
Closes #5345 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
17:08 Révision aaeec5e0 (calebasse): agenda: don't show validation details on ressource tab appointments, as in other tabs (#fixes #5284).
Mikaël Ates
16:10 Révision 21537151 (calebasse): dossiers: modify no place of life warning message.
Mikaël Ates
11:02 Révision e1e1e18f (calebasse): ressources: add group field column to the ActType list.
Mikaël Ates
11:01 Révision f2c11d3a (calebasse): ressources: modify verbose name of group field of the ActType Model.
Mikaël Ates
10:59 Révision 025a80a6 (calebasse): dossier: cosmetic changes to quotation page.
Mikaël Ates

25 août 2014

10:21 Révision 909de507 (calebasse): change version
Jérôme Schneider
10:15 Révision d009115d (calebasse): manage only tag starting v
Jérôme Schneider
10:03 Révision add3ea00 (calebasse): dossiers: don't load a warning when we changed policyholder
Jérôme Schneider

24 août 2014

22:16 Révision 05cf3715 (calebasse): fix spelling in error message
Frédéric Péters
21:25 Révision 95a3734b (calebasse): actes: call super() with proper args in UpdateActView class
Frédéric Péters
17:40 Révision 17b459a8 (calebasse): agenda: fixing the event type in the appointments listings
Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
14:51 Révision 83fdead5 (calebasse): dossiers: alert raised when comment unsaved in "Adresses/contacts" tab
Closes #2740 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
13:01 Révision d943a0ee (calebasse): agenda: empty page removed while printing schedules with not first selected
Closes #5316 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)

23 août 2014

00:00 Révision 95593005 (calebasse): dossiers: display notification on patient record contacts and addresses update
Closes #4807 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)

22 août 2014

15:14 Révision 8c246fcb (calebasse): agenda: fixes bottom print button on therapists agendas
Closes #5299 Jérôme Schneider
09:57 Révision bd91da94 (calebasse): ressources: add missing files for commands
Jérôme Schneider

21 août 2014

20:04 Révision b057fff0 (calebasse): dossiers: remove block not matching date filter criteria
Closes #3109 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
20:04 Révision 3b4bba4a (calebasse): dossiers: printing the whole patient record in pdf format
Closes #3109 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
18:01 Révision b778d740 (calebasse): agenda: show date on each page of activity and split table correctly
Fixes #2359 Jérôme Schneider
15:34 Révision 737f0099 (calebasse): ressources: don't display display name for School form
Jérôme Schneider
11:59 Révision cd48ac2c (calebasse): agenda: presences table title update
Closes #2735 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
11:55 Révision bdc21445 (calebasse): agenda: presence list print and screen styles update
Closes #2735 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
10:39 Révision 42d57c55 (calebasse): ressources: fixing add and upate a place of socilisation
Closes #5298 Jérôme Schneider
10:28 Révision 54b1628c (calebasse): ressources: use update template for school for an update ...
Fixes #5297 Jérôme Schneider
10:15 Révision 30604c99 (calebasse): dossiers: add doctors, datetime and act type in waiting_queue
Closes #5221 Jérôme Schneider
09:44 Révision f93684a4 (calebasse): calebasse.dossiers.js: put a warning if an error occured
Closes #2740 Jérôme Schneider

19 août 2014

22:19 Révision 66307b99 (calebasse): dossiers: template for printing quotations added
Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
18:34 Révision e1c2c36b (calebasse): spin animation picked from FontAwesome style, which is removed
Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
18:06 Révision ad0780e6 (calebasse): agenda: when adding events of type COURRIEL or TELEPHONE the start time and
duration are taken in account and default to 8h and 10 minutes if not defined
Closes #5015
Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
18:06 Révision fbfab2cc (calebasse): agenda: ressource appointment view redesigned to look like worker's
Closes #5284 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
18:06 Révision 0a8aab32 (calebasse): dossiers: notification displayed when updates done on patient addresses/contacts
Closes #4807 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
18:06 Révision 1dd5253a (calebasse): dossiers: expendable elements selector update
Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
16:13 Révision 33c3c6d1 (calebasse): calebasse/dossiers/ fix a success_url for paper_id form
Jérôme Schneider
12:30 Révision 90070ef6 (calebasse): static/js/calebasse.dialog.js: fixing calebasse_ajax_form
Closes #5285 Jérôme Schneider

18 août 2014

19:23 Révision 91140baf (calebasse): fixes a toggle bug specific to Firefox
Jérôme Schneider
16:55 Révision 1f4ae3b3 (calebasse): patient record id grayed on all pages in order to avoid confusion
Closes #3120 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
10:50 Révision 1cb3dc45 (calebasse): statistics: fix the stats form url
Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)

11 août 2014

11:13 Révision 5ea0db1a (calebasse): ressources: new command reinit_schools_from_xls which reset schools
Usage example :
python reinit_schools_from_xls /home/jschneider/apps/calebasse/xls
WARNING: this script de...
Jérôme Schneider
11:13 Révision e8a1fe31 (calebasse): dossiers: render pause facturation comment expandable
Closes #5010 Jérôme Schneider
11:12 Révision bbf89bd4 (calebasse): dossiers: show an alert when closing without saving
Closes #2740 Jérôme Schneider
08:35 Révision 9f237a5a (calebasse): display age next to birthdate in dossier main page (#3429)
Frédéric Péters
08:35 Révision 62685e1b (calebasse): Filter the formatted date with |lower to avoid uppercase in months (#4805)
Frédéric Péters

08 août 2014

11:35 Révision 3fbbba75 (calebasse): agenda: multiple GET requests on editing periodic events fix
Closes #5230 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)

04 août 2014

11:14 Révision f248574d (calebasse): agenda: arrivals dans departures displayed before appointments
Closes #5235 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)

01 août 2014

15:07 Révision 54318d2c (calebasse): dossiers: printing each patient record tab with filtering past and future appointments by dates
Closes #3109 Serghei Mihai (congés, retour 15/05)
12:39 Révision 9fa48803 (calebasse): ressources: add zip code and city into school dispaly name
Jérôme Schneider

31 juillet 2014

00:12 Révision b8c44af8 (calebasse): agenda : hide the delete button on periodic event dialog when an act is already billed.
Mikaël Ates
00:12 Révision 5b5935ff (calebasse): agenda: reccurrence periodicity can not be modified on an event with already billed acts.
Mikaël Ates
00:10 Révision f20148c6 (calebasse): agenda : Add warning message and prevent hazardous modifications.
Add message on the periodic event dialog to warn when acts are already billed.
Prevent periodic event field edit...
Mikaël Ates
00:06 Révision c7b1f142 (calebasse): agenda: event delete view just call Model delete.
Mikaël Ates
00:03 Révision b2ab5f4c (calebasse): agenda: various modification on periodicity management and heper functions and properties
Add date, time and duration to Event model.
Add acts property returning a queryset of the acts associated to the...
Mikaël Ates

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