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Révision a61afb76

Ajouté par Mikaël Ates il y a plus de 11 ans

authorization: implement basic primitives.

We consider three roles 'super_user', 'validator' and 'other'.
'super_user' can do everything in calebasse.
'validator' can not add users and cannot modify the groups
used for authorization. However, compared to others, they can:
- delete an appointment, an act, an event
- they can access to automated validation page
- they can acces to the days not locked page
- they can access to 'Saisie des actes' and 'Facturation'
- they can delete a patient record
We use the Django auth Group model as follows.
We need a group 'Administratifs' and a group 'Super utilisateurs'.
  • ajouté
  • modifié
  • copié
  • renommé
  • supprimé