agenda: presences table title update
Closes #2735
agenda: ressource appointment view redesigned to look like worker's
Closes #5284
patient record id grayed on all pages in order to avoid confusion
Closes #3120
agenda: reccurrence periodicity can not be modified on an event with already billed acts.
agenda : Add warning message and prevent hazardous modifications.
Add message on the periodic event dialog to warn when acts are already billed.
Prevent periodic event field edition when an act is already billed excepted the fields start and end date, description and ressource....
agenda: hidden occurrence delete icon when the associated act is already billed.
agenda: comment update in ajax, we update comment on event and not on act
agenda: displaying car icon in schedules when patient uses transport to reach the appointment
Closes #2120
agenda: display a summary of service activity
agenda: do not show events and schedules from other services, displaynotification instead
Closes #5023
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