


| Branche: | Tag: | Révision:

univnautes / usr / local / www / css @ fab1cd2f

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
table.css 945 octets c251f8cc plus de 11 ans Renato Botelho Make synamic firewall logs and widget add new r...

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
c251f8cc 25 janvier 2013 18:16 Renato Botelho

Make synamic firewall logs and widget add new rows:

The Dynamic Firewall Log page doesn't add rows, it only updates the php
generated rows which means that if it's loaded after the log is cleared,
it'll never show any activity. The same occurs for the log widget....

f06f7cc0 16 septembre 2012 12:17 PiBa-NL

(line endings UNIX format..)
Firewall log alternating colored rows
Firewall log sortable
Fixed several sorting issues in widgets and other pages
Sorting now possible on multiple rows in the header tables
Sorting now possible for text that starts with IPv4:port

Voir les révisions

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