Development #10155
Ability to set the "DigestMethod" of a saml response
When building a signed SAML response, there is no way to set the "DigestMethod" of the signature to SHA256, It defaults to SHA1
Attached is a test case, note this is the same test case as issue 10154 hence the name "lasso-bug.tar.bz2"
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
<Reference URI="#_A7F3AF0951AD63AB216597DE5743EC91">
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
*<DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>*
Associated revisions
Updated by Benjamin Dauvergne over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Nouveau to Rejeté
LassoServer structure has a signature_method field for this.
Updated by Brett Gardner over 8 years ago
I don't want to set the SignatureMethod to SHA256, I'm already doing this, I want to set the DigestMethod
Updated by Benjamin Dauvergne over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Rejeté to Nouveau
It's not handled currently, please provide a patch.
Updated by Benjamin Dauvergne over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Nouveau to Résolu (à déployer)
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Appliqué par commit 9525237236eef4097300d9b6e93d2178a7a72267.
Choose the Reference transform based on the chosen Signature transform (fixes #10155)
i.e. if the signature use SHA2 then use SHA2 of the same strength for digesting