


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

calebasse / calebasse / agenda / templates / agenda @ 8bec338c

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
act-validation.html 4.18 KB 1f4ae3b3 over 10 years Serghei Mihai patient record id grayed on all pages in order ...
agendas-therapeutes.html 6.79 KB 63bc684f over 10 years Serghei Mihai agenda: template fix for displaying appointment...
ajax-disponibility-column.html 614 Bytes 8e29a45e about 10 years Serghei Mihai DOM structure causing resources schedules displ...
ajax-ressource-tab.html 6.44 KB aaeec5e0 over 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: don't show validation details on ressou...
ajax-worker-tab.html 9.04 KB 9aa3425b about 10 years Serghei Mihai agenda: arrivals and departures design improvin...
appointment.html 4.73 KB d94f9a54 about 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: a clearer informative message on event ...
automated-validation.html 1.24 KB 08bf3477 almost 12 years Mikaël Ates actes: add two new validation states.
base.html 745 Bytes 505f729d over 10 years Serghei Mihai calebasse.dialog.js included only when needed
days-not-locked.html 514 Bytes ba9e01fa almost 12 years Mikaël Ates Fix typo.
event.html 2.91 KB 859f69a1 over 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: fix spelling mistakes (fixes #5078).
index.html 4.96 KB d5629b36 over 10 years Serghei Mihai agenda: fixing identifiers for hidden workers i...
new-appointment.html 168 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
new-event.html 162 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
periodic-events.html 5.21 KB 8bec338c about 10 years Mikaël Ates [agenda] Fix patient display_name missing on pe...
periodicity.html 872 Bytes a2e49cca about 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: prevent periodic modification and delet...
service-activity.html 2.39 KB b778d740 over 10 years Jérôme Schneider agenda: show date on each page of activity and ...
update-event.html 120 Bytes 9c1d4044 about 12 years Jérôme Schneider Fix #1877 agenda: add event edition
update-rdv.html 126 Bytes 9c1d4044 about 12 years Jérôme Schneider Fix #1877 agenda: add event edition

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8bec338c 30 November 2014 08:41 AM Mikaël Ates

[agenda] Fix patient display_name missing on periodic event title on periodic events page.

Since commit e90f4c7328e522e3a22fea48a5c32ffefa620a9b the patient
display name is not saved in the event title field anymore.
Appointment building set event title with patient display_name but when...
d94f9a54 03 October 2014 03:36 PM Mikaël Ates

agenda: a clearer informative message on event exceptions.

a2e49cca 29 September 2014 08:02 AM Mikaël Ates

agenda: prevent periodic modification and deletion if one act is not new.

9aa3425b 16 September 2014 04:53 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: arrivals and departures design improvings

Closes #5466

8e29a45e 09 September 2014 05:46 PM Serghei Mihai

DOM structure causing resources schedules display fix

63bc684f 29 August 2014 05:29 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: template fix for displaying appointments summary

Closes #5023

d5629b36 28 August 2014 09:48 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: fixing identifiers for hidden workers in schedule page

Closes #5345

aaeec5e0 28 August 2014 05:08 PM Mikaël Ates

agenda: don't show validation details on ressource tab appointments, as in other tabs (#fixes #5284).

8c246fcb 22 August 2014 03:14 PM Jérôme Schneider

agenda: fixes bottom print button on therapists agendas

Closes #5299

b778d740 21 August 2014 06:01 PM Jérôme Schneider

agenda: show date on each page of activity and split table correctly

Fixes #2359

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