


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

calebasse / calebasse / agenda / templates / agenda @ a2e49cca

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
act-validation.html 4.18 KB 1f4ae3b3 over 10 years Serghei Mihai patient record id grayed on all pages in order ...
agendas-therapeutes.html 6.79 KB 63bc684f over 10 years Serghei Mihai agenda: template fix for displaying appointment...
ajax-disponibility-column.html 614 Bytes 8e29a45e over 10 years Serghei Mihai DOM structure causing resources schedules displ...
ajax-ressource-tab.html 6.44 KB aaeec5e0 over 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: don't show validation details on ressou...
ajax-worker-tab.html 9.04 KB 9aa3425b about 10 years Serghei Mihai agenda: arrivals and departures design improvin...
appointment.html 4.64 KB a2e49cca about 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: prevent periodic modification and delet...
automated-validation.html 1.24 KB 08bf3477 almost 12 years Mikaël Ates actes: add two new validation states.
base.html 745 Bytes 505f729d over 10 years Serghei Mihai calebasse.dialog.js included only when needed
days-not-locked.html 514 Bytes ba9e01fa about 12 years Mikaël Ates Fix typo.
event.html 2.91 KB 859f69a1 over 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: fix spelling mistakes (fixes #5078).
index.html 4.96 KB d5629b36 over 10 years Serghei Mihai agenda: fixing identifiers for hidden workers i...
new-appointment.html 168 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
new-event.html 162 Bytes 3e9b47e9 almost 12 years Benjamin Dauvergne agenda: add editing of periodic events
periodic-events.html 5.13 KB a56af5e1 over 10 years Frédéric Péters use "min" as symbol for minutes (#5102)
periodicity.html 872 Bytes a2e49cca about 10 years Mikaël Ates agenda: prevent periodic modification and delet...
service-activity.html 2.39 KB b778d740 over 10 years Jérôme Schneider agenda: show date on each page of activity and ...
update-event.html 120 Bytes 9c1d4044 about 12 years Jérôme Schneider Fix #1877 agenda: add event edition
update-rdv.html 126 Bytes 9c1d4044 about 12 years Jérôme Schneider Fix #1877 agenda: add event edition

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
a2e49cca 29 September 2014 08:02 AM Mikaël Ates

agenda: prevent periodic modification and deletion if one act is not new.

9aa3425b 16 September 2014 04:53 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: arrivals and departures design improvings

Closes #5466

8e29a45e 09 September 2014 05:46 PM Serghei Mihai

DOM structure causing resources schedules display fix

63bc684f 29 August 2014 05:29 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: template fix for displaying appointments summary

Closes #5023

d5629b36 28 August 2014 09:48 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: fixing identifiers for hidden workers in schedule page

Closes #5345

aaeec5e0 28 August 2014 05:08 PM Mikaël Ates

agenda: don't show validation details on ressource tab appointments, as in other tabs (#fixes #5284).

8c246fcb 22 August 2014 03:14 PM Jérôme Schneider

agenda: fixes bottom print button on therapists agendas

Closes #5299

b778d740 21 August 2014 06:01 PM Jérôme Schneider

agenda: show date on each page of activity and split table correctly

Fixes #2359

cd48ac2c 21 August 2014 11:59 AM Serghei Mihai

agenda: presences table title update

Closes #2735

fbfab2cc 19 August 2014 06:06 PM Serghei Mihai

agenda: ressource appointment view redesigned to look like worker's

Closes #5284

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